Tsai Pou-Ching

1986年出生於嘉義,金牛座A型,現工作生活於台南,從小就喜歡動物,近年創作主要處理人與動物之間的關係,認為現今的世界人類發展出極其複雜的生存模式與動物的關係也變得極其複雜,在這樣的結構底下該如何去思考或者產生與動物之間例 外的關係似乎有其必要性。
Born in Chiayi in 1986,Taurus Type A, Tsai Pou-ching lives and works in Tainan. Building on his fondness for animals since childhood, Tsai’s recent work attends to human-animal relationships through his study of amateur biology. The artist utilizes video, installation, and archives to consider and create unprecedented connections in response to our contemporary survival modes and progressively complex relationships with animals.Recipient of the 2022 Kaohsiung Art Award's Grand Prize. The same year, their solo exhibition at YIRI ARTS was shortlisted for the 21st Taishin Arts Award. Their works have been exhibited at venues such as the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Tainan Art Museum, Chiayi Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, and Busan Museum of Art. They have also participated in several artist residencies, including at the Ox Warehouse in Macau, Chiayi Art Museum, and Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab. A recent significant presentation is their solo exhibition Specimens of Empire held at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum in 2024.
2021,110-1 國藝會美術類展覽補助
2018,107-1 國藝會美術類調查與研究補助
2017,106-1 國藝會美術類展覽補助
2013,102-1 國藝會美術類展覽補助
2011,第九屆桃園創作獎 ,入選
2024「 帝國的標本」,台北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣
2022「 我們居住在海洋之上」,台江文化中心、臺南文化中心,臺北,臺灣
2022「 三羽」,伊日藝術計畫,臺北,臺灣
2022「 研究室207 」,節點藝術空間,臺南,臺灣
2019「 跑狗地 」,後牛房實驗場,澳門,中國
2018「 虛妄誌 」,水谷藝術,臺北,臺灣
2014「 TSP!-蔡咅璟個展 」,8 又二分之一,臺南,臺灣
2013「 Let's Blinging, Guys!-蔡咅璟個展 」,海馬迴光畫館,臺南,臺灣
2011「蔡咅璟個展 」,IS 藝術空間,臺南,台灣
2023「Signal Z」,臺北當代藝術館,臺北,臺灣
2022「DAFT x A&T Festival 台韓錄像交流計畫」,ARKO藝術中心,首爾,韓國
2022「月津港燈節 」,月津港,台南,臺灣
2021「由林成森 」,嘉義市立美術館,嘉義,臺灣
2021「 Sustainable Museum : Art and Environment 」,釜山現代藝術館,釜山,韓國
2021「 歷史.當代 」,台北當代藝術館,臺北,臺灣
2020「 老友記 」,新營文化中心,臺南,臺灣
2019「 共感知覺 」,海馬迴光畫館,臺南,臺灣
2019「 奧拉之城 」,中央公園,高雄,臺灣
2017「 非常時期 」,非常廟,臺北,臺灣
2016「 養生之道 」,絕對空間,臺南,臺灣
2015「 VT Show Show」,非常廟,臺北,臺灣
2015「 大景 」,絕對空間,臺南,臺灣
2013「台灣美術新貌獎-平面類 」,港區藝術中心,臺北,臺灣
2013「 藝術家博覽會 」,士林紙廠,臺北,臺灣
2012「 新北市創作新人奬 」,板橋藝文中心,板橋,臺灣
2012「 無限的愛 」,臥龍貳玖,臺北,臺灣
2011「 碰撞者 」,435 藝文特區,板橋,臺灣
2011「 廣播早操 」,八樓當代,臺北,臺灣
2011「 解禁映像 蔡咅璟/張仲偉雙個展 」,海馬迴光畫館,臺南,臺灣
2011「 第九屆桃園創作獎」,桃園縣文化局,桃園,臺灣
2011「 北上 」,清田 16 號,臺北,臺灣
2011「 Prove life some... 陳怡如/蔡咅璟雙個展 」,新浜碼頭,高雄,臺灣
2010「 說說看 台南大學美術研究所評圖展」,慶中街藝術特區,臺南,臺灣
MA,Program, Department of Visual Arts and Design, NUTN Department of Visual Arts and Design Tainan City Taiwan
Grant and Honor
2024 short-listed,Taishin Arts Award 2023/24
2023 short-listed,Taishin Arts Award 2022/23
2022 The Ministry of Culture supports the youth art development subsidy program
2022 First prize ,2022 Kaohsiung Award
2021 110-1 Exhibition grant, National Cultural and Arts Foundation
2020 The Ministry of Culture supports the youth art development subsidy program
2017 Artist grant, National Cultural and Arts Foundation
2014 The 12th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award Finalist
2013 Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan-2D Creation Series
2013 Artist grant, National Cultural and Arts Foundation
2012 Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City, Finalist
2011 The 9th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award Finalist
2023 C-lab creators, Taiwam Fine contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei,Taiwan
2021 Chiayi Art Museum,Chiayi,Taiwan
2019 Ox Warehoue, Macao, China
Solo Exhibition
2024 Specimens of Empire, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei,Taiwan
2022 Three Birds,YIRI ARTS, Taipei,Taiwan
2022 Laborat 207,Zit-Dim,Tainan, Taiwan
2019 Greyhound racing,Ox Warehoue, Macao, China
2018 Illusory experiment, Waley art,Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Biology investigate, Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taiwan
2014 TSP! , 8 1/2,Tainan, Taiwan
2013 Let’s Blinging, Guys !,Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taiwan
2011 Some things are not born naturally.,is Trattoria, Tainan, Taiwan Selected
Group Exhibitions
2024 VOC, Sea Monsters, Artillery Fire, and Them: 400 Years of Fort Zeelandia, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan
2023 Signal Z, MoCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2023 Glory of Mighty Mountains: Ridges between Awe and Respect, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan
2023 When Oceans Meet: Art Exchange Exhibition between Taiwan and The
Netherlands, Siao-Long Cultural Park, Tainan, Taiwan
2022 Sound Bite,Taoyuan Children’s Art Center,Taoyuan,Taiwan
2022 Strolling in the Park—Forest mountains, Peacocks and Re-nature,Chiayi Art Museum,Chiayi,Taiwan
2021 A Rhythm of Tree Forming the Forest,Chiayi Art Museum,Chiayi,Taiwan
2021 Sustainable Museum : Art and Environment,Museum OF Contemporary Art Busan, Busan, South Korea
2021 Chrono Contemporary,MoCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Old Friends, Fxinying-culture, Tainan, Taiwan
2019 Electri City, central Park, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017 Very Period,VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 The Great Scenery,Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2015 VT Show Show,VT ARTSALON, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 The Great Scenery,Absolute Space for the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan
2012 The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City in Year 2012,Cultural Affairs Department, New Taipei City Government, Banqiao, Taiwan
2012 Infinite Love,Wolong29, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Collider,artzone435, Banqiao, Taiwan
2011「」,Floor 8 | Contemporary Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Lifting of the ban image. TSAI, POU-CHING / JHANG, JHONG – WEI, Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taiwan
2011 The 9th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award,Cultural Affairs Bureau Taoyuan County Government, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2011 Go north,No.16 Chingtain, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 Prove life some... CHEN YI-RU / TSAI, POU-CHING ,SinPinPier-Absolutely Art Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan